DAY 01 | Tuesday | 26 September 2023
Opening7:30:00Arrival and Registration
8:30:00Welcome Remarks Dr. John Moreki (LOC Chair)
8:35:00Introduction Prof. Tadelle Dessie (President of AASAP)
Theme 1 Transforming African Animal Agriculture8:45:00Official Opening Honourable Fidelis Mmilili Macdonald Molao – Minister of Agriculture
9:45:00Tea/Coffee Break (group photo)
10:30:00Keynote 1The political economy of agricultural biotechnology in Africa: what role can technicians play?- Prof Ed RegeChairperson- TBC
11:15:00Plenary 1Gender justice and increased participation of youth in animal agriculture: an elusive African dream – Dr Sadye Paez
11:45:00Plenary 2The role of science in transforming and achieving future sustainability of African animal agriculture – Prof. Michiel Scholtz
12:15:00General Discussion Facilitator -TBC
Workshop: Towards an integrated delivery of proven productivity enhancing innovations in livestock – a market systems approach14:00 – 14:05 Welcome and introduction – Facilitator (BUAN, ILRI)
14:05 – 14: 15 Opening Remarks – BUAN, Deputy PS/PS
14:15 – 14:30 Keynote: Bundling of services as a mechanism for enhancing access to and uptake of appropriate livestock technologies. 
 14:30 – 15:15 Presentation on experiences with bundled advisory services
–        Individualized and bundled extension services for integrated delivery of technologies in Kenya –   James Rao, ILRI
–        Entrepreneurship incubation for integrated technology and service delivery in Tanzania – Nils Teufel, ILRI
–        Agent network models for integrated delivery of livestock technologies in Nepal –      Padma Kumar, ILRI
15:15 – 15:25 Short comfort break
15:25 – 16:00 Panel discussion
16:00 – 16:15 Plenary Facilitator
16:15 – 16:25 Closing Remarks SAPLING Representative  – Isabelle Baltenweck
Technical Session: Poultry ProductionTechnical Session: Dairy productionTechnical Session: Beef production
Concurrent Sessions14:00:00Session1Beyond the adopter – non adopter dichotomy: Why do smallholder producers dis-adopt improved chicken breeds? – Birhanu Mulugeta Y.The effect of milk components on milk yield parameters, milk price and milk income for Jersey cows in zero-grazing production system De Waal HendrikBrief Overview: The Influence of Nutrition and Body Condition on Reproduction in Beef Herds – Willem Andreas Schultheiss
14:15:00Session2Immunoglobuline and oxidative status activities in broilers fed varying dietary levels of clove – MERCY CHISARA OGWUEGBUHeat stress impacts growth performance of dairy calves under small holder dairy systems in Tanzania – Ekine-Dzivenu ChinyereEvaluation of calving interval of smallholder beef cattle herds in the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District, Northwest Province, South Africa – Bareki Nkosinathi
14:30:00Session3Effect of various inclusion levels of brown and white sorghum varieties on carcass traits, visceral organs, bone measurements and meat quality parameters of Boschveld indigenous chickens – Letsoalo Ogone MaryEffects of calf starter meals on feed intake and growth of Friesian dairy calves in Botswana – Diphetogo MosalagaeEvaluation of LiGAPS-Beef to assess average daily gain in extensive pasture-based beef production in three South African agro-ecological regions – Christopher Magona
14:45:00Session4Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) assessment of air change effectiveness in three types of naturally ventilated, large-scale broiler poultry houses in Botswana – Mr Pius EmesuThe implementation of a growth monitoring method pre-weaning of dairy heifers in Tunisia – Hamrouni AbirEvaluation of growth performance of Nguni Steers finished off the veld and in the feedlot Bareki Mathuto
15:00:00Session5Effect of Housing Design and Location on Production and Economic Performance of Broiler Chickens during Summer in Botswana – Chepete Justin HakgamalangMilk somatic cell count, composition and yield of multibreed dairy cattle in Ethiopia – Chernet Tegegn Fantahun (dairy Production)The effect of heat stress on reproduction performance of beef cattle Seshoka Mokgadi Magdelin
15:15:00Session6Chemical Composition of Sundown Emperor Moth (Sphingomorpa chlorea) (Lepidoptera: Eribidae) Caterpillar – MOREKI, John MorekiAssessment of phenotypes based on deviation in milk yield as indicators of general resilience of dairy cattle in Kenya – Richard Dooso Oloo (dairy)Economic evaluation of finishing Sanga type steers on the veld and in the feedlot: A case of the Nguni – Bareki Nkosinathi
15:30:00Session7Improving Chicken Production in Ghana – the Tropical Genetics Solutions (TPGS) intervention – Osei-Amponsah, Richard (Poultry Production)Dairy traits Preference Ranking Heterogeneity in Defining Breeding Objectives for crossbred Dairy Herds of Ethiopian Highlands -Aliy Mohammed (Dairy)The effect of supplementation on reproduction and weight in extensively managed beef cattle in the Eastern Kalahari bushveld – Siphokazi Diamond
15:45:00Session8Farming practices reducing productivity: impact of egg storage on egg hatchability and broiler production and meat yield – Jacob Alhassan HamiduEffects of Senegalia mellifera bush-based silage feed supplementation on the performance of grazing Holstein dairy cows in the dry season – Dr. Maria N. T. ShipandeniPerformance of lactating crossbred beef cows supplemented with Senegalia mellifera (black thorn) bush silage-based feed at Okondjatu Communal Area, Okakarara constituency – Magdalena Ilongeni Kamati
16:00:00Tea/Coffee Break and Poster viewing
Technical Session: Rangelands & forage productionTechnical Session: Poultry ProductionTechnical session: Animal Breeding & Genetics ITechnical Session: Small ruminant production
Concurrent Sessions16:40:00Session1Rumen content composition as an indication of selective grazing efficiency in three South African sheep breeds – Hough WilmieCollective action at scale: towards establishing a Tropical Poultry Platform – Zewdie, Yihenew.Assessment of genetic variation among indigenous Tswana goat populations in the five agro-ecological regions of Botswana using microsatellite markers – Maletsanake DitiroDeveloping feed for feedlots aimed at exporting frozen goat meat, Ethiopia and Madagascar – Wilkinson, Peter Myles
16:55:00Session2Hybrid and improved forage seed markets in East Africa: Developments, bottlenecks, and future opportunities – Florez, FernandoThe effect of citric acid supplementation on growth performance, carcass weight, tibia bone breaking strength, and ash content of male ross 308 broiler chickens – Thokwane JudithEstimates of correlated responses in wool and body traits of Elsenburg Merinos to selection for a reduced tail length – Teubes MeganFatty acid composition of selected South African lamb meat breeds under feedlot conditions – Cletos Mapiye
17:10:00Session3Rangeland condition and its seasonal trend in the semi-arid savanna of Gauteng Province, South Africa. – Ngoako LetsoaloAnalysis of reproductive performance of roosters following Selenium supplementation – Nomvula Gcwalisile MasingaGenetic parameter estimates for lamb survival of the Tygerhoek Merino resource flock – Meijboom, Samuel MendelEvaluation of the effects of different protein sources on productivity of Saanen goats (Capra aegagrus hircus) in Botswana – Sebolai Thabiso
17:25:00Session4Selective grazing and native grass nutritional evaluation in drought-stricken arid rangelands. – Washaya SoulHeat stress management strategies for poultry raised in hot climates – A review – Bhawa ShameOn-farm phenotypic characterization of indigenous Tswana sheep population in selected districts of southern Botswana – BOLOWE, MONOSI ANDRIES (Animal Breeding)Indigenous knowledge to mitigate the challenges of ticks in goats: A systematic review – Mbusiseni V Mkwanazi
18:30:00Opening Cocktail
DAY 02 | Wednesday | 27 September 2023

8:00:00Arrival and Registration
Theme 2 Animal health and food safety8:30:00Key note 2Management of animal health and food safety for sustainable livestock farming: challenges and opportunities for Africa – Dr Moetapele Letshwenyo
9:15:00Plenary 3Implementation of livestock traceability systems in Africa: progress achieved, challenges & future prospects – Dr. Alexander Toto
9:45:00Pleanary 4The one health concept from an African perspective – Prof. Armanda Bastos
10:15:00General Discussion
11:00:00Tea/Coffee Break, Exhibition and Poster viewing
Technical session: Reproductive PhysiologyTechnical session: Animal health & food safety ITechnical session: Animal Breeding & Genetics I ITechnical session: Unconventional livestock & Aquaculture
Concurrent Sessions11:45:00Session1The influence of equilibration period and sperm concentration on sperm viability and morphology of Namaqua-Afrikaner rams during liquid storage – Liane van NiekerkNutrition sensitive intervention enhances chicken products consumption and dietary diversity – Geremew KumlachewPractical guidelines for the phenotypic recording of polled and scurs phenotypes in Bonsmara beef cattle – Grobler RulienEffect of oral administration of methanolic extract of Andrographis paniculata on serum biochemistry and lipid profile of rabbit bucks – Prof. Herbert Udo
12:00:00Session2Effect of melatonin treatment duration and oestrous synchronization on secretion of reproductive hormones during spring mating season in Merino sheep – Nxumalo MandlenkosiTotal Aflatoxin and Aflatoxin BI incidence and concentrations in layer mash from commercial feed mills and poultry farms in six regions in Ghana – Obese Frederick YeboahEconomic Value analysis and development of Weightage for sound selection index in chicken genetic improvement – Emana Getachew NemeraEvaluation of organic apple cider vinegar as a probiotic on the hematological, serum biochemical indices and caecum bacterial counts of grower rabbits. – AFOLAYAN Moji
12:15:00Session3Effect of selenium supplementation on secretion of reproductive hormones during the reproductive cycle of Zulu sheep ewes – Nkunzi Noxolo WinileAssessing the Burden of Malnutrition and Parasite Load in the School-Age Children: A Case Study – Gebresilassie Yemane TsionComparative genetic evaluation of Zimbabwean Red Dane and Jersey cattle breeds – Godfrey B NyamushambaFiloplumes and ostrich leather quality – Cloete Schalk
12:30:00Session4Alpha-linolenic and ascorbic acid reverses the seasonal variations of ram semen quality and testosterone concentration – Jabulani Nkululeko NgcoboThe relationship between ulcerative balanoposthitis incidence, microbial diversity, and immunoglobulin response in the lower reproductive tract of rams (Ovis aries) – Helet LambrechtsOptimizing for a variety of issues can advance genetic gain and lower emission intensity in the community-based breeding programs – Tesfaye GetachewTraining of male ostriches for semen collection does not compromise their reproductive performance in a natural mating system – Lotz, Neleke
12:45:00Session5The influence of trehalose on the viability and morphology of Namaqua-Afrikaner spermatozoa during liquid storage – Liane van NiekerkWhat do we know about animal welfare in the context of emerging livestock production in Africa? – Mizeck ChagundaEvaluation of genetic variation in caprine MHC class II DRB gene on external tick numbers in Boer goats at Neudamm farm, Namibia – Itenge TheopolineGIS mapping and identification of suitable sites for the adoption of aquaponics as a leapfrog technology for food production in five district municipalities of the Gauteng Province, South Africa – Thaela-Chimuka Mary-Jane
13:00:00Session6Can the type of sperm influence the outcome of in vitro cattle embryonic development? A-Review – Dimpho SebopelaStudies on the molecular pathogenesis of Mtb complex in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of Cattle naturally infected with bovine tuberculosis in India. Shalini SharmaGenetic analysis of predicted gross feed efficiency and its correlation with energy-corrected milk in South African Holstein cattle – Madilindi MatomeEffect of dietary olive pomace on growth performance, carcass yield, and meat quality parameters in Jumbo quail – Egbu Chidozie Freedom
13:15:00Lunch Break, Exhibition and Poster viewing
Concurrent SessionsWorkshop: Enhancing Livestock Investment for Sustainable Livelihoods in Africa: the role of policies and strategies in Animal agriculture in AfricaTechnical session: Animal health & food safety IITechnical session: Ruminant nutritionTechnical session: Unconventional livestock & Aquaculture
14:15:00Session114:00 – 14:05 Welcome and intro – Facilitator (BUAN, BIDPA, TBD) (5min)
14:05 – 14:15 Opening remarks – (BUAN, BIDPA/AAAA TBC ) 10 min 
14:15 – 14:45 Keynote speech –  Livestock, Africa’s next big investment opportunity: choices, trade-offs and opportunities  Prof. Appolinaire Djikeng ILRI, DG (30 minutes)
14:45 – 15:20 Highlights from the field – The role of good evidence and policies to unlock investments.  (35 minutes)
– ILRI- Livestock Master Plan (LMP) process
– AU-IBAR –  role/impact of LiDeSA
– Rwanda MINAGRI – impact of Rwanda LMP
– Tanzania Private Sector Desk – impact of Tanzania LMP/Botswana LMP process (MoA)
15:20 – 16:10 Panel discussion (donor & private sector panel) (50min)
– USAID Development partner
– AfDB
– World Bank 
– Someone prominent from Botswana livestock private sector 
– 2nd private sector representative  
– Chair/CEO farmer organisation e.g., EAFF/PAFO/SACAU 
Driving forces for changes in geographic range of cattle ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) in Africa: A review – Nyangiwe NkululekoScreening fibrolytic activity of tannin tolerant bacteria isolated from wild and domestic ruminants – Msimango Nokwethemba Nqobile PhilileAn evaluation of rabbit feed resource utilization and effects of moringa oleifera and dichrostachys cinerea leaf meals on rabbit growth performance, carcass characteristics and meat quality – Godfrey B Nyamushamba
14:30:00Session2The prevalence of OHV-2 in the smegma, nasal secretions and penile environment of rams (Ovis aries)– Helet LambrechtsInfluence of feed supplementation on blood metabolite concentrations in grazing dual-purpose cows in the coastal savannah zone of Ghana – Obese Frederick YeboahHaematological parameters of rabbit bucks fed diets supplemented with Azanza garkeana fruit meal – Prof. Herbert, Udo
14:45:00Session3Share parasites between wildlife and domestic mammals at the interface of Nazinga ranch in Burkina Faso – GNEME AwaEfficient utilization of Macadamia oil cake based diets in ruminants – Baloyi Joseph JimuProduction Trends of Hides in Botswana: Challenges, Opportunities, and Prospects – Moreki Mogi Ivy
15:00:00Session4Goat nematode infection, the effect of temperature on survival rate of larvae, and the use of larvae to infer nematode identify and prominence. – Ramabu Solomon SNutritional evaluation of morula kernel cake (Sclerocarya birrea) and sunflower seed cake (Helianthus annus) as protein sources for ruminants. – Baleseng LeonardPopulation dynamics of donkeys and multiple uses of donkeys in botswana – Kealeboga Mokgalagadi
15:15:00Session5Establishing meat safety and meat handling practices in selected butcheries in peri-urban areas of Nairobi, Kenya – Koech PatriciaOxidative stability of beef from steers fed finisher diets with graded inclusion levels of sorghum – Semwogerere FaroukFreshwater aquaculture mobile application: an intervention to assist small-scale fish farmers to thrive – Molebatsi Agnes
15:30:00Session6Anthelmintic efficacy of three plant extracts against gastrointestinal nematodes of goats – Ndlela SithembileEffect of supplementation of sole and combined browse leaves on in vitro digestibility of rice straw – Felix Owusu SarkwaEffect of dietary apple (Malus domestica Borkh) pomace on nutrient digestibility, productive traits, and physiological and meat quality characteristics in Jumbo quail – Matabane Allen Ngoanaoroele
15:45:00Session7Antimicrobial resistance patterns in indigenous non-descript chicken faecal samples from South Africa’s KwaZulu-Natal and Limpopo regions – Mxolisi Emmanuel NeneRuminal microbial modulation and nutrient use efficiency by Meat-Master lambs fed barley sprouts – Mpanza Thamsanqa Doctor EmpireThe influence of feather harvesting practices on ostrich reproduction – Sampson, C. L.
15:55:00Session8Comparative effects of green versus conventionally synthesized ZnO nanoparticles on in vitro ruminal degradability of Mucuna pruriens utilis seed meal – Nozipho Gamedze
Session9Intake, relative palatability indices and blood parameters of vetch varieties as a component of goat diet – Ntokozo Happy Msiza
16:15:00Tea/Coffee Break, Exhibition and Poster viewing
Concurrent SessionsWorkshop: Enhancing Livestock Investment for Sustainable Livelihoods in Africa: the role of policies and strategies in Animal agriculture in AfricaTechnical session: Non-ruminant nutritionTechnical session: Animal Breeding & Genetics IIITechnical Session: Rangelands & forage production II
16:55:00Session116:40 – 17:10 Open discussion
17:10 – 17:25 Concluding remarks – BUAN, BIDPA, 
Profiling odour emission from pig litter in relation to diet type effect – Fabian NdeGenetic parameters for docility and scale temperament traits of Merino yearlings – Cloete, SchalkYield and nutritive value of forage species as affected by different levels of rainfall interception in the semi-arid grassland, Pretoria, South Africa – Magandana Patrick Thabo
17:10:00Session2Nutrient Digestibility and Nitrogen Balance in Growing Pigs Fed A 10% Macadamia integrifolia Nut Oil Cake Diet Supplemented With Exogenous Enzymes – Felix FushaiEvaluating fertility in a breeding program for improved growth of indigenous sheep in the arid lands of Kenya – Edwin OyiengNutritive value, intake and relative palatability of legume residues and maize straws – Onke Hawu
17:25:00Session3Substituting maize with malted sorghum in indigenous chicken diet does not compromises haemo-biochemical parameters, immune organ and semen quality – Manyeula FreddyDelivering climate-resilient and productive sires to improve livelihood of farmer communities at scale – Aynalem HaileWeedy plants as future forage crops; evidence from their nutritive value and in vitro dry matter digestibility – Thebeng Precious Mofenyi
17:40:00Session4Additive potentials of goat weed leaf meal and scent leaf meal: growth performance, blood indices and microbial loads of broiler chickens – Akpodiete, Orienru JobEvaluation of genetic mechanisms of resistance to heartwater in goats from endemic and non-endemic regions of South Africa using Illumina SNP BeadChips – Nuse XolileInfluence of drying techniques on the nutritional quality, ruminal fermentation and buffer nitrogen solubility of Macrotyloma axillare legume – Mr Sipango Nkosomzi
DAY 03 | Thursday | 28 September 2023
Opening8:00:00Arrival and Registration
Theme 3African animal agriculture in a rapidly changing technological environment8:30:00Key note 3How can African animal agriculture benefit from the current technological revolution? – Prof. Appolinaire Djikeng
9:15:00Plenary 5Application of Omics technologies in Animal Agriculture: Case study on seasonal weight loss – Prof Andre de Almeida
Theme 4Ecological goods and services in African animal agriculture9:45:00Keynote 4Enhancing ecological goods and services in African agriculture: what role can animal scientists play? – Prof Zahra Mungloo-Dilmohamud
10:30:00Plenary 6How can Africa achieve food security and sustainable animal agriculture in the face of climate change? – Dr S Moyo
11:00:00General Discussion
11:45:00Tea/Coffee Break, Exhibition and Poster viewing
Concurrent SessionsTechnical session: ICT and digital technologyWorkshop: ROUNDTABLES FOR SUSTAINABLE BEEF: Reconfiguring the beef markets in AFRICATechnical session: Climate change mitigation and adaptation IWorkshop: Towards sustainable utilisation of indigenous African animal genetic resources
12:30:00Session1Integrated Registration and Genetic Information System of South Africa: A platform for continental infrastructure sharing and collaboration – Mahlako MakgahlelaFacilitator: Dr Florence Nherera-Chokuda (i) Case studies of RSBs in Africa and their relevance (K’LUSA project),

(ii) Strategic behaviour of smallholder producers that are desiring to access international markets,

(iii) The “reconfiguring” of current markets and a review of retailer driven third party verification (the case of certified organic and or free-range beef),

(iv) Mechanisms for addressing compliance.

(v) Reaching political legitimacy through science diplomacy to expand RSBs in Africa
Stocktake of livestock activity data for Tier 2 greenhouse gas inventories in Sub-Saharan Africa and regional support for development of Tier 2 GHG inventories for cattle – S Sibanda (20 minutes)12:15: Indigenous wild African animals
Chair: Prof Kennedy Dzama Vice Dean Research Stellenbosch University and AWEI Board Chair
Opening remarks: Prof C Dlamini Executive Director CCARDESA
Speaker 1: Dr Helet Lambrechts
Talk: Nexus between wild meat species reproduction and wildness
Speaker 2: Ms. Lacticia Tshitwamulomoni
Talk: Wild Meat, Institutional Arrangements, Policy and Sustainable Utilisation inSub-Saharan Africa
Speaker 3: Dr Wiseman Ndlovu
Talk: Wild Meat Value Chains, and Potential in Sub-Saharan Africa
Questions from the Chair
Questions from the participants13:45 Close
12:50:00Session2Harnessing Machine Learning to enhance the better understanding of feeding and animal breeding decisions in smallholder dairy production – Mizeck ChagundaThe effect of climate change on beef production in southern Africa: A review – Prof. Scholtz Michiel
13:05:00Session3Innovating and scaling risk reducing measures for farmers and livestock keepers in the drylands – Banerjee RupshaEvaluating methods to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Ethiopian goats and Australian cattle – Wilkinson, Peter Myles
13:20:00Session4Towards an integrated delivery of proven productivity enhancing innovations in livestock – a market systems approach – Rao, Elizaphan James OburuMethane Emission of Goats fed Some Ghanaian Diets- An On-Farm Observations – Felix Owusu Sarkwa
13:35:00Session5Prospective use of digital-based technology in improving livestock management: Insights among emerging smallholder cattle producers in North West Province, South Africa – Mapiye ObviousExploring the Role of Seasonal Variation in Livestock Feed Composition on Diet Quality and Methane Emissions in Kenyan Livestock – John Mutua
13:50:00Session6Comparison of MARS and CART data mining algorithms in predicting body weight of Sussex cattle – Lubabalo BilaInclusion of purified condensed tannins on performance, blood profile, methane emission, and meat quality in male Bapedi sheep fed grass hay and pellet-based diet – Nkiyasi Mavasa
14:05:00Lunch Break, Exhibition and Poster viewing
Concurrent SessionsTechnical session: Natural resources & conservationTechnical session: OMICS TechnologyTechnical session: Climate change mitigation andadaptation IIWorkshop: Towards sustainable utilisation of indigenous African animal genetic resources
15:05:00Session1Indigenous chicken improvement programs in Sub-Saharan Africa – Wondmeneh Esatu WoldegiorgissThe use of genomic information to profile suitabilityof imported animals for milk yield in small holdersystems in Eastern Africa – Mrode RaphaelCan feeding of dried browse Leaves reduce methaneemission as well as improve weight gain? – Sarkwa Felix Owusu14:45: Indigenous domesticated African animals Chair: Dr. Wiseman Ndlovu
Speaker 1: Dr Patrick Tawonezvi, Prof. Kennedy Dzama and Prof Themba Khombe.Authors of new book on Animal Genetic Resources
Talk: African AnGR -The easy choice
Speaker 2: Peter Makumbe. Farmer and researcher
Talk: Wild animals and indigenous cattle as a winning choice -an example fromZimbabwe’ssweetveld
Speaker 3: Prof Cletos Mapiye, Dr Patrick Tawonezvi, Dr B Podisi
Talk: Carcass classification as an example of discrimination against AnGR in commercialbeef grading
Questions from the Chair
Questions from the participants
16:00: Discussion on the wild and domesticated animals’ economies
Facilitator: Dr Ndlovu Wiseman
Discussant 1: Prof. Jethro Zuwarimwe (Positioning of Wild Meat within the RuralHouseholdFood Systems)
Discussant 2: Peter Oberem (Wild Meat, Rewilding and Potential in Sub-Saharan Africa)
Discussant 3: Girma Kassie(ICARDA, Economic potential on indigenous livestock)
Discussant 4: Prof Osei-Amposah (University of Ghana AnGR expert West Africa)16:45: Close
15:20:00Session2The farm-gate blue water footprint of diverse beef cattle genotypes in South Africa – Chabalala, N ThuliPatterns of introgression and admixture from domestic and wild South African pig populations using SNPmarkers – Hlongwane Nompilo LuciaLivestock production and greenhouse gas emissions in the Southern African Development Community: 2000 – 2020 – Svinurai Walter
15:35:00Session3Assessing the role that access to diverse animal genetics plays in sustainable sub-Saharan sheep production: A case study of the attainment of puberty in indigenous ram lambs – Shingange RimbilanaAccuracy of multi-breed and multi-trait genomicevaluations of numerically small South African Holstein and Jersey cattle breeds – Makgahlela Linky (Omics)Effect of Seriphium plumosum meal inclusion in a diet on rumen microbial population profiles and methane emission by Nguni steers – Phoko Motswapo
15:50:00Session4Muturu Cattle of West Africa – A Review of Population Dynamics, Sustainable Use and Conservation – Prof. Camus Adoligbe; Osei-Amponsah RichardSelection signatures associated with adaptation in South African Drakensberger, Tuli, and Nguni beef breeds – Gomo MaxmanMethane emission and performance indicators of sheep fed two basal diets supplemented with two browse leaves –Sarkwa Felix Owusu
16:05:00Session5Opportunities and challenges for conservation agriculture in Botswana – Kashe KeotshephileGrowth differentiation factor 9 gene expression inovarian follicles of South African PotchefstroomKoekoek chicken breed – HLOKOE VICTORIARANKOTSANESelenium efficiency in preserving sperm quality parameters of South African indigenous Zulu Rams exposed to heat stress – Lekola Khomotso Podile Molvia
16:20:00Session6Water use efficiency indicators for post-weaning growth performance in three different frame sizes of South African beef cattle under intensive production system – Mtileni BohaniPopulation genomics of indigenous African cattle inferred from 537 whole genome sequencing. –Kambal, SumayaThe impact of seasonal changes in rangeland forage quality on total serum protein levels and methane emission ofsheep – Sarkwa Felix Owusu
16:35:00Session7The trends of water use efficiency indicators for postweaning growth performance in South African beef cattle under feedlot conditions – Takalani MpofuAssociation of single nucleotide polymorphisms of insulin like growth factor 1 gene with body measurement traits of Kalahari Red goats – Mokoena KwenaClimate change risks and barriers to adaptation in the livestock industry of Botswana – Kgosikoma Olaotswe and Kgosikoma Keneilwe
16:50:00Session8Relationship between volumetric water footprint and carcass characteristics of beef cattle under intensive production system – Nephawe Khathutshelo AgreeGenome-wide identification of candidate genes for growth traits in Tswana goats of Botswana – A.B. ChalebgwaAccuracy of enteric methane emission models for cattle in sub-Saharan Africa: status quo and the way forward for animal scientists – Bateki Adjogo, Christian
17:05:00Tea/Coffee Break And Dedicated Poster viewing
19:00:00Gala Dinner
Day 4: Friday 29 September